

Everything You Need To Know About Shopfitting

If you're looking for a comprehensive shopfitting guide, you've come to the right place. This article will provide an overview of shopfitting and the information you need to start your own shopfitting project. Read on to learn more.

What Is Shopfitting?

Shopfitting is the process of designing, equipping and furnishing retail spaces. It involves customising a space in order to make it fit for purpose. This can include adding shelving and display units, installing signage and lighting, creating seating areas and much more. In essence, it's about creating an environment that encourages customers to enter the space and make purchases.

How Do I Get Started With Shopfitting?

If you're new to shopfitting, then there are a few things you'll need to consider before beginning your project. First, you should assess the size of your space; this will help determine what type of fixtures and fittings you need to make the most of the available area.

You should also think about the type of products or services you offer, as this will affect how you design your store layout in order to create an inviting atmosphere for customers. Finally, it's important to stay within budget; ensure that all fixtures meet health and safety regulations but don't break the bank.

What Equipment Is Required For Shopfitting?

Before starting any shopfitting project, it's important that certain equipment is purchased or hired in order to complete it properly, from tools such as screwdrivers and drills to specialist machines like sheers or saws for accurately cutting materials. Other items, such as tape measures, are also essential for ensuring accuracy when using power tools or measuring up walls or floors before commencing work.

Additionally, protective clothing such as goggles is recommended when working with machinery or hazardous substances so that safety can be maintained at all times. Lastly, don't forget ladders — they are often required when fitting shelving or light fittings which are above head height. If you do not feel confident using equipment such as this, you should contact a contractor.


As a beginner in shopfitting, many things need consideration before beginning any project, from assessing what type of fixtures and fittings are needed to choosing appropriate equipment and tools right down to staying within budget constraints. By having all these elements in mind beforehand, one can confidently begin their journey into shop-fittings, knowing they have taken into account all aspects of the job ahead. For further advice, contact a shopfitter service.
